Making God’s love visible in the world
As followers of Jesus, we are all called to join him on the spiritual adventure of making God’s love visible in the world.
We believe God has given each person callings, gifts and passions to direct how and where we should be involved in doing so, in particular. Our mission statement says we commit to serve in making God’s love visible “in downtown Norfolk” as well anywhere God is calling us to serve.
Sunday Schedule
9:45 am | Sunday School
11:00 am | Worship
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Serving with Freemason
We seek to serve as servant-partners with others. We know we do not know everything about the needs of others, so we commit ourselves to learning to listen and ask questions. We want to be sure that we are about sharing God’s love in ways that affirm the lives and life situations of others. As a congregation, we seek to practice God’s compassion, mercy, grace and justice in a spirit of gratitude, thankfulness, and humility as we ask God to let us be useful in the building of relationships, the restoration of communities, and the healing and wholeness God intends for everyone everywhere.
At Freemason Street, we want to be involved wherever we sense God’s Spirit calling and leading. Here’s where we are working in partnership ministries and programs in Virginia and beyond. We would be honored to explore with you where you might want to find meaningful involvement. A good way to start would be to contact Freemason Street by writing to: