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A Prayer for Difference (Instead of the false promise of safety in tribe, nationality or clan)

Bob Guffey

O Lord,

As those who bear your name,

hear our prayers, please,

as we seek your face,

as we seek your peace,

as we seek to be faithful

to your will for our lives

and for your world.

As we seek to engage the world

and its brokenness,

let us not forget our own:

help us offer to you all that we are.

You have invited us into your

presence that we might know

your inclusive love,

that our sin would be forgiven

and that whatever has hurt us or

stunted our growth in loving you,

others and ourselves as

you intended might be healed.

Empower us through your Holy Spirit

so that we might be different.

Instead of anxiety, let us know and practice patience.

Instead of fear, let us lean on faith.

Instead of anger, let us show we are acquainted with mercy.

Instead of bitterness, let us be trusting and gentle.

Instead of seeking the false promise

of safety in tribe, nationality or clan,

let us commit all

we have and all we are

toward the reconciliation

of all people as your children

and for the healing of the beautiful earth

which you made and have promised

to redeem, too.


(photo: Church of St. Thomas More, NYC, 10/28/24)



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