Baptist Joint Committee for Religious Liberty
The Baptist Joint Committee for Religious Liberty is the only national faith-based group solely focused on protecting religious freedom for all. The BJC files briefs in pivotal Supreme Court cases, advocates for and against legislation, testifies in Congress, and unites with others across faiths to ensure that every American has—and always will have—the right to follow his or her spiritual beliefs.

Baptist General Association of Virginia
BGAV offers a robust collection of resources for pastors and churches to help them thrive in their ministry—from ongoing training opportunities to mission training camps and disaster relief work.

Cooperative Baptist Fellowship of Virginia
Cooperative Baptist Fellowship Virginia cultivates healthy congregations and engages individuals and churches in life-transforming ministries. Its team is passionate about nurturing and forming faith in Jesus Christ, connecting Christ-followers to one another and to CBF’s global mission and ministry, engaging students and adults in mission experiences, and renewing God’s world through partnership and collaboration.

Cooperative Baptist Fellowship
The Cooperative Baptist Fellowship is a Christian network of individuals and churches that work together to spread the hope of Christ. For 25 years, CBF has been driven by its mission to serve Christians and churches as they discover and fulfill their God-given mission and to live into our vision to be a national and global community bearing witness to the Gospel in partnership with Christians across the nation and around the world.

Matt and Michelle Norman, CBF Field Personnel in Barcelona, Spain
Matt and Michelle Norman are Cooperative Baptist Fellowship field personnel serving in Barcelona, Spain. The southern European city of Barcelona has seen diverse growth in population, including large numbers of refugees, immigrants from around the world. In this unique community, the Normans are engaged in ministry to assist local churches in connecting with their secular community as well as welcoming immigrants and refugees.