Wherever you are on your spiritual journey, our goal is to provide the best opportunity for you.
At Freemason Street, we understand adults want to explore, learn, and share at differing levels and stages of faith.
Wherever you are on your spiritual journey, our goal is to provide the best opportunity for you. Through classes, small groups, workshops, and retreats, we seek to nurture the spiritual development of our faith community, friends and friends-to-be by: (1) providing meaningful opportunities to learn, reflect and grow as persons in light of the life and teachings of Jesus; and (2) providing an intentional program of spiritual formation program that encourages building healthy relationships with God, one another, and our sense of self.
Sunday Schedule
9:45 am | Sunday School
11:00 am | Worship
Sunday Schedule
9:45 am | Sunday School
11:00 am | Worship

Sunday Mornings
Each Sunday morning at 9:45 am, adults gather for Sunday School from September through May. (During the summer months, Sunday School classes do not meet.)
This year, three Sunday morning options are available for this session for adults. All classes are intergenerational and offer the possibilities of connecting to ministry projects and friendship building outside of the class.
Fifth Sunday Breakfasts
On selected Fifth Sundays on the calendar, our Adult formation classes gather for breakfast. The goals of Fifth Sundays is to provide a time for fellowship for all ages from 9:30-9:50, then a sampling of what each class is studying as the morning’s lesson. All adults are encouraged to attend, whether currently in a weekly class or not. Each Adult Bible Study Class will take a turn on a Fifth Sunday in 2023.
Other Than Sundays
Small groups, short-term and long-term studies, retreats and prayer days offer expanded opportunities to develop relationships while growing deeper spiritually, as well as in the life of the mind. Learn more by contacting the church office.

Lumpkin Class
The Lumpkin Class is a discussion-oriented class that studies the biblical passages guided by the Revised Common Lectionary scriptures that inform Sunday worship planning. The class uses the “Connections” curriculum from Smyth & Helwys.

Women's Sunday Class
The Women's Sunday Class is composed of women of several generations. Though mostly 60 and up, all women are welcome! The class is both teacher-guided and discussion-oriented, using "Formations" from Smyth & Helwys. Formations provides a journey through biblical passages and issues that create meaningful and life-changing connections for today.

Pastor-Led Studies
During the year, our pastor offers short-term studies, often coinciding with holy seasons, like Lent, Easter, and Advent, as well as in the summer. Depending on the particular study, approach and study materials range from discipleship, ethics, in-depth biblical studies, prayer, and personal spirituality. Some studies are offered online, using video introductions for reflection and discussion starters. Recent studies have included: Rowan Williams’ Being Disciples: Essentials of the Christian Life; Amy-Jill Levine’s Short Stories by Jesus: The Enigmatic Parables of a Controversial Rabbi, and That You May Believe: The Gospel of John, from the Kerygma Program.

Men's Book Group
The Men’s Book Club meets monthly. Participants read for reflection and conversation one book for each meeting. The group reads quality fiction (Pulitzer Prize winners in some cases), biographies, autobiographies, history, current events, and whatever else may be of interest.
Examples of books read by the group in the recent past include: All the Light We Cannot See (Anthony Doerr), The Night Watchman (Elaine Erdrich), Where the Light Fell: A Memoir (Philip Yancey), You’re Not Listening (Kate Murphy), Being Mortal (Atul Gawande), The Sabbath (Abraham Joshua Heschel), Just Mercy: A Story of Justice and Redemption (Bryan Stephenson), Where the Crawdads Sing (Delia Owens), Mission: Jimmy Stewart and the Fight for Europe (Robert Matzen), and Educated (Tara Westover).
The Men’s Book Group meets on the third Mondays of the month, usually at 6:30 p.m. Attend in-person or connect using Zoom. Meetings typically last until about 8:00 pm and often include a light meal for those meeting in-person. Participants provide their own books.

Faith & Creativity Class
The Faith &Creativity Class aims to shine the love of God into a dark and troubled world through art and craft while enjoying the fellowship of making and creating. No artistic talent is required. Opportunities to share your skill set with the group or learn from them as well. We will have guided activities and guest artists.

Whether gathered for a special evening and Saturday time at Freemason Street or making extended time to get away from town, retreats offer time to discover God’s presence in silence and to join in conversation with God and friends in Christ.The natural beauty, peaceful atmosphere, and hospitality of retreat centers like Richmond Hill and Roslyn Retreat Center, both near Richmond, provide settings for day and overnight that provide a balance of silence, conversation, worship and prayer that make more meaningful living as a disciple in today’s world.
First Friday Day Retreats at Richmond Hill. Founded in 1987, Richmond Hill is an ecumenical Christian fellowship and residential community who serve as stewards of an urban retreat center within the setting of a historic monastery. The mission of the community is to seek God’s healing of Metropolitan Richmond through prayer, hospitality, racial reconciliation, and spiritual development. Also, Richmond Hill offers opportunities for individuals and small groups to come for a day, a night, or series of nights for retreat.
A good way to enter into what Richmond Hill has to offer is to join with the Christian Formation team for a First Friday Day Retreat. The day usually begins by carpool, leaving Norfolk around 7:00 a.m. and concludes with a return to the church by 5:30 p.m. Cost for the day is usually around $40, which includes lunch.

Women's Study Group
Join with women of the church as they gather online for conversation, bible and book study, and prayer. Studies usually run for nine-sessions over nine-months. In 2021, the group studied Into the Light: Finding Hope in the Psalms of Lament, by Lynn Miller. This year, the group is studying What My Grandmothers Taught Me: Learning from the Women in the Genealogy of Jesus. Study books are made available by the church, usually at a small fee ($10-15), and can be picked up before the first session. Our current bible study is part of the Horizons series of the Presbyterian Women (USA).
Class leadership is shared with facilitators and teachers coming from the group. The Women’s Study Group meets on the fourth Mondays of the month, usually at 7:30 p.m. using Zoom.