A Church with a Heart in the Heart of the City
Freemason Street is an active, open-hearted and open-minded community of committed Christians.
At Freemason Street, we delight in the diversity of personality, thought, and theology.
As is characteristic of our Baptist heritage, we do not ascribe to formal creeds, nor do we assume all members think alike. Baptists have long held that no individual has the right to impose a statement of faith upon another. Each believer must be involved in this living faith in Christ, working out his or her own relationship with God. Still, there are core elements of faith which we uphold:
Who Is Freemason Street Baptist Church?
Every church has its own sense of identity. Rev. Caitlin Childers Brown tells us more about Freemason Street Baptist Church and what better way to do it than through our name?
We are a worshiping body of believers who profess Jesus Christ as Lord.
As a church, we believe our first purpose is to worship God and share the Good News of God’s loving grace in Christ to a hurting world. The life and teachings of Jesus Christ are the foundation of our faith. We know Christ through Holy Scriptures and believe the Bible to have been inspired by God. We believe the Holy Spirit works within each person to reveal God’s truth directly to each person and to help us understand and interpret God’s word.

We value missions
Jesus’ call to love neighbor as self requires us to share God’s love by putting to use our time, energy, credibility, gifts, talents, and financial resources to meet the needs of the world. Each member is encouraged to seek and vigorously live into God’s call of service and love by living lives of mercy and justice and sharing the “good news” of Christ.
We value being the family of God
We are here to nurture each other throughout the journey of life, to encourage spiritual growth and maturity, to comfort the wounded and celebrate with the joyful. Through worship, ministry, and mission, we seek to be a family of faith and we invite you to join us.

A Church with a Heart
Written expressly for this collection, incorporating the church's slogan "A Church with a Heart in the Heart of the City." This text also appears as Hymn 390. - Tim Dixon
Oh God, whose love embraces
All of the human race,
You've called us as your people,
To serve you in this place,
To follow your will fully,
We each must do our part
To be in the heart of the city
A church with a heart.
Oh Christ, our living Savior,
Help us serve you more,
With refuge for the homeless,
Compassion for the poor,
With comfort for the mourning,
With hope for the distressed.
Let all who need your love now
Be welcome as our guest.
You've given us our story
And it is ours to tell.
May we use our gifts fully
To share that story well;
Of love unending, mercy,
Of no one left behind,
Of healing for those who suffer
In body, spirit, mind.
Give us, dear Lord, the courage,
To follow where you lead.
That through your strength and wisdom
We care for those in need.
Then, bravely, boldly, gladly,
We each will do our part
To be in the heart of the city
A church with a heart.
Your words are our calling,
Oh Christ of Calvary,
"An act of love for one of mine,
Is an act of love for me."