A Different Kind of Baptist
The Freemason Street tradition is to be an open-hearted and open-minded community of faith, rooted in the Baptist tradition. Progressive in theology yet traditional in worship, we are a diverse people united by God’s love revealed in Jesus Christ.
At Freemason Street
Women and men serve equally in places of leadership.
Worship uplifts and encourages through majestic music, thoughtful sermons, reflective prayer and a beautiful setting.
Bible study seeks to grasp how God’s ancient words apply to our daily living. We are not afraid to wrestle with the hard questions of faith. We promote caring relationships and thoughtful dialog.
We believe we are called beyond our congregational walls to mend souls with a compassionate touch while encouraging justice for all humanity. Because we affirm the great historical Baptist idea of the priesthood of all believers—that all souls are equal before our Creator—we encourage everyone to a personal encounter with the loving and compassionate God revealed in Christ which leads to lives transformed for service to others.

What kind of Baptist are you?
​Well….a different kind of Baptist. At Freemason Street, Baptist is more like an adjective while Christian is a noun. By that we mean, we don’t think Baptist Christians have an exclusive view of the truth, but celebrate being a part of the worldwide community of Christians.
We are grateful for what Baptist Christians have contributed to the life and faith of Christian experience—like hallmark beliefs of the freedom of each person to come before God without anyone or any religious hierarchy standing in the way, the freedom of each
person to be guided by the Holy Spirit in reading and applying the scriptures, and the freedom that is guaranteed in the US Bill of Rights of the separation of church and state.
We’re not afraid of tough questions nor diverse perspectives. We value all people. Women have always been central leaders. Within our church you will find individuals of all backgrounds who, though diverse in their faith experiences, have encountered God here and found in Freemason Street a place of welcome to call home.
Our Affiliation
​In partnerships for mission and ministry, we are affiliated with the Cooperative Baptist Fellowship and the Baptist General Association of Virginia as well as a number of local groups.
So, Freemason Street Baptist Church invites you to experience our ministry through the quality worship of God, small group Bible Studies, community service and vibrant fellowship activities.
Have more questions? We’re here for you! Give us a call at 757-625-7579 or email the pastor.